Will physiotherapy help plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis Another week and another busy clinic. People are really trying to get out exercising despite the dark evenings and the January weather, which is great to see, but unfortunately for some they are running into...
Achilles tendinopathy is one of the more common heel injuries and can be really sore! It is another one that can linger for a while if left untreated, so it is really important to get it seen to asap! Here, Shane Brennan, chartered physiotherapist at Mid West...
If you have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, or you have noticed a change in your condition, you may be wondering whether there are physical treatments available that support medical management of the condition. The good news is that...
While pregnancy can bring many joys, pelvic girdle pain is certainly not one of them! This can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, affecting movement, rest and sleep. What is pelvic girdle pain? Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) can occur at any...
Are you looking to develop your physiotherapy career? Maybe you’re living away from Limerick or overseas, and would like great career opportunity closer to home? We have an exciting vacancy for a physiotherapist (minimum 1 year’s experience) which is...
We’re excited to introduce to you a new product at our clinic – the Normatec 2.0 Leg Recovery System (known as recovery boots). What are Normatec recovery boots? Normatec recovery boots are used by many leading athletes, coaches and fitness...